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Massih-Reza Amini Professor of Computer Science Université Grenoble Alpes |
Research Interests: My current research focuses on Machine Learning applied to large-scale applications in information access. I am particularly interested on document classification, ranking, text summarization and on the learnability of statistical models where only a small portion of data is labeled and where the aim is to take advantage of the huge unlabeled data together with labeled ones to make prediction.
Selected papers: (more …)
- Generalization Guarantees of Self-Training of Halfspaces under Label Noise Corruption Hadjadj L., Amini M.-R., Louhichi S. 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023), p. 3777-3785 [pdf 197 KB][bibTeX]
- Uplift Modeling with Generalization Guarantees Betlei A., Diemert E., Amini M.-R. 27th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2021), p. 55-65 [pdf 1.1 MB][bibTeX]
- Transductive Bounds for the Multi-Class Majority Vote Classifier Feofanov V., Devijver E., Amini M.-R. 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), p. 3566-3573 [pdf 508 KB] [bibTeX]
- Rademacher Complexity Bounds for a Penalized Multi-class Semi-supervised Algorithm Maximov Y., Amini M.-R., Harchaoui Z. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research , 61(1):761-786, 2018 [pdf 176 KB] [bibTeX]
- A Delay-tolerant Proximal-Gradient Algorithm for Distributed Learning Mishchenko K., Iutzeler F., Malick J., Amini M.R. 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2018), p. 3584-3592 [pdf 762 KB]
- Aggressive Sampling for Multi-class to Binary Reduction with Applications to Text Classification Joshi B., Amini M.-R., Partalas I., Iutzeler F., Maximov Y. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NeurIPS 2017), [pdf 776 KB] [bibTeX]
- Learning Taxonomy Adaptation in Large-scale Classification Babbar R., Partalas I., Gaussier E., Amini M.-R., Amblard C. Journal of Machine Learning Research , 17(98):1-37, 2016 [pdf 503 KB] [bibTeX]
- Streaming-LDA: A Copula-based Approach to Modeling Topic Dependencies in Document Streams Amoualian H., Clausel M., Gaussier E., Amini M.-R. 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2016), p. 695-704 [pdf 420 KB] [bibTeX]
- Entropy-Based Concentration Inequalities for Dependent Variables Ralaivola L., Amini M.-R. 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2015), p. 2436-2444 [pdf 318 KB]
- On Flat versus Hierarchical Classification in Large-Scale Taxonomies. Babbar R., Partalas I., Gaussier É., Amini M.-R. 26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2013) [pdf 331 KB]
- On using a Quantum Physics formalism for Multi-document Summarisation. Piwowarski P., Amini M.-R., Lalmas M. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(5):865-888, 2012 [pdf 361 KB]
- A Co-classification Approach to Learning from Multilingual Corpora. Amini M.-R., Goutte C. Machine Learning Journal, 79(1-2):105-121, 2010 [pdf 582 KB]
- Combining Coregularization and Consensus-based Self-Training for Multilingual Text Categorization Amini M.-R., Goutte C., Usunier N. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010) [pdf 199 KB]
- Learning from Multiple Partially Observed Views – an Application to Multilingual Text Categorization. Amini M.-R., Usunier N., Goutte C. 22nd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2009) [pdf 113 KB]
- A Transductive Bound for the Voted Classifier with an Application to Semi-Superivsed Learning. Amini M.-R., Laviolette F., Usunier N. 21st Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2008) [pdf 331 KB]
- A Boosting Algorithm for Learning Bipartite Ranking Functions with Partially Labeled Data. Amini M.-R., Truong V., Goutte C. Proceedings of the 31st International ACM SIGIR (SIGIR 2008) [pdf 160 KB] (Released Code)
- Generalisation Error Bounds for Classifiers Trained with Interdependent Data. Usunier N., Amini M.-R., Gallinari P. 18th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2005) [pdf 119 KB]
- Semi-Supervised Learning with Explicit Misclassification Modeling Amini M.-R., Gallinari P. Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2003), p. 555-560 [pdf 110 KB] [bibTeX]
- The Use of Unlabeled data to Improve Supervised Learning for Text Summarization Amini M.-R., Gallinari P. Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2002), p. 105-112 [pdf 277 KB] [bibTeX]
Currently I am working with:
- Ali Aghababaei (PhD, since 2023)
- Alexandre Audibert (PhD, since 2021)
- Aurélien Gauffre (PhD, since 2021)
- Nicolas Monge (PhD, since 2021)